Director's Cut

Category: Books,Humor & Entertainment,Movies

Director's Cut Details Review John Waters has been thumbing his nose at Hollywood for more than 30 years, creating movies that are both shocking and hilarious. Now he reveals another obsession, yet another string to his artistic bow. In this collection of photographs, Waters uses his camera to "re-direct" his favorite movies, juxtaposing images to create works that explore, expand upon, and sometimes overturn the intentions of the original directors. In Susan Slade, for example, he distills an early 1960s melodrama into 16 photographs. The resulting images manage somehow to combine kitschy appeal with a degree of emotional impact that transcends that of the film itself. Waters also works with images from his own life and movies--including a sequence filmed in 1966 where Divine plays Jackie Kennedy in a reenactment of JFK's assassination. In another bravura performance, Liz Taylor is transformed through plastic surgery into Waters himself. Waters admits that his project is to photograph "a favorite movie the way I want to remember it, no matter what the original director had in mind." The result is a collection that documents one man's obsessive and deeply kinky love affair with movies--the kind of love affair in which one partner brings a whip and the other brings a gallon of olive oil and a volleyball team. Read more


An essential purchase not only for John Waters' fans but also for art and cult movie lovers as well. Packed with Water's clever reimagining of stills painstakingly photographed from TV and put together with an excellent eye and wit. It's brilliant and a great document of his artistic work. I just wish I had an original for the wall as well!

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