Severini Futurista: 1912-1917

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists

Severini Futurista: 1912-1917 Details

Book by Hanson, Anne Coffin Read more


One of my favorite art movements is the Italian Fururists. I have many books from this era and Ifind these artists have taken cubism and added a futuristic tilt to it with a smoothness that one does notsee in Cubism. This book contains much about Serevini's dance into Paris and early photos of his life,andcorrespondence. The book contains articles written by Serevini and other futurists marking theirclaim and defining what futurism is. The author does explain the articles and in the back of thebook the letters are translated and there is a wonderful color section with over 20 color photos, with the photographs beautifully done as some of the work is very detailed. I do think what drewme to this artist was his use of color and knowledge and use of color, making the paintings fresheach time you view them. Serevini is one of the most beautiful artists in the futuristic movements.If you like the futurist movement, you will want to add this to our library. Joe Coon a.K.A. Joe Monroe (google)

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