The 371 Chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach With English Texts and Twenty-Three Instrumental Obbligatos

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Music

The 371 Chorales of Johann Sebastian Bach With English Texts and Twenty-Three Instrumental Obbligatos Details

Four Voice scores of 371 Chorales with English Texts and Twenty-three Instrumental Obbligatos Read more


Yes. Just...yes. This is the book you have been looking for, particularly if your studying music theory and you want to get it in your fingers / get it in your ears. Really tough to play though, but will stretch your sight-reading capability. I didn't realize Bach had so much voice crossing. If your theory teacher dings you for voice crossing, just show him this book. If you just play church hymns from your hymnal for church each Sunday, these are going to be difficult, unless you are a proficient pianist. These Chorales are the real deal though.

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